Saturday, February 11, 2012


          I hate the feeling that I get right after I audition for a play... the "Was I good enough for them?" or "That was an amazing audition, there's no way that they cant pick me for this part"... I have thought those thoughts after most of my high school theater career and both of them have came back and bit me in the butt. I have learned that when you are waiting for the cast listing to be posted (which to me seems like it takes years for her to figure out whose, who) that you cant think that you completely bombed it or you rocked it because what you think that the cast should be is NOT what the director wants it to be. Yes I will be the first to admit that I have become cocky and thought I was the perfect person to portray a specific character which to my grateful delight I was crushed. The most annoying part about the auditioning proses are those people that you get once in a while who don't care about anyone else and have there parents call the director and beg them to give their child the part that everyone else wants, and when they don't get the part they throw a fit... Yup those people are still around... If they don't start working on their own they wont get anywhere in life.
           So in conclusion to this long rant about how some people just make me mad. I am really hoping that I get a part in this play. Even if I don't get my first pick for this play I hope I get the second one. So I'm crossing my fingers and impatiently awaiting the posting of the cast list. :)     

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